What do you mean by "business"?
"Business" means any business, commercial enterprise, trade, occupation, calling, profession, vocation or activity engaged in, conducted or carried on by any person, agent or employee for the purpose of gain, benefit or advantage, either direct or indirect.
Why do I need a business license?
The Clark County Department of Business License makes sure that each business within the unincorporated area of Clark County is zoned correctly, that the business location meets all health and safety code standards, that it ensures the safety of others and that the business is regulated properly per Clark County Code 6.04.010. See contact information below:
Comprehensive Planning - Zoning: 702-455-4314 (select option 2, then 1 to check your zoning)
Building Fire Prevention Department: 702-455-7316 (select 0 for general information)
Southern Nevada Health District: (for food and other establishments): 702-759-1000
What is ´Unincorporated' Clark County'?
An unincorporated area is a region of land that is not a part of any municipality. To "incorporate" in this context means to form a municipal corporation, a city, town, or village with its own government. As such, the ‘unincorporated’ area of Clark County is administered by and is part of a larger administrative division, the State of Nevada.
Why do I need to check the Jurisdiction Locator, to apply for a business license?
A jurisdiction is an area with a set of laws under the control of a system of courts, which are different from neighboring areas. The location from which you conduct your business determines the jurisdiction in which you must file for your business license. Clark County comprises of 6 jurisdictions, each with its own licensing agency – the City of Henderson, the City of Las Vegas, the City of North Las Vegas, Boulder City, the City of Mesquite and Unincorporated Clark County. The Jurisdiction Locator will help you identify the jurisdiction of the location for which you are opening your business.
I conduct business in different cities surrounding Las Vegas. Is one license enough to conduct my business in different parts of the Valley?
Each licensing agency has its own rules and regulations. If your business location is based in a particular city, but you travel into the County to conduct business, a Clark County business license may be required in addition to your City business license. For further Clark County licensing information, read our Apply for a Business License page or email us at chap@ClarkCountyNV.gov. .
How can I check to see if a particular business is licensed?
We have a Business License Database Search you can use, to search for a licensed business issued by Clark County. You will find information like the license number, the business name, business address and license status of the business.
How do I know which category of license to obtain?
Search license categories and their descriptions by using our Business License Categories and Fee Schedule.
What are the requirements for a Clark County Business License?
Please visit our Apply for a Business License page for information on general, regulated and privileged licenses.
Additional requirements may apply through regulatory bodies for specific business activities.
What forms do I complete to obtain a business license?
Please visit our Apply for a Business License page for completion of forms for general, regulated and privileged licenses.
How long will it take to get my business license?
Most General licenses are issued within 45 days after the Department receives a complete application. Public safety inspections are generally conducted and approved for the business location during this time. Regulated, Liquor and Gaming licenses take longer to complete criminal history and financial suitability background investigations. Under certain circumstances, temporary licenses can be issued by the Director to allow you to conduct business pending the final approval of your business license.
What forms of payment do you accept?
If you apply online, you may pay by E-check, credit or debit card. Please note that a non-refundable convenience fee will apply to each credit card and debit card payment. You may access the online application process using our Apply for a Business License page.
Over the counter payments are accepted by check, money order, cashiers check, debit card or cash (exact cash/coin only). Please note that debit card transactions cannot be accepted after 5:00 pm. Payments received by mail must be in the form of check, money order or cashiers check.
** Please make checks and money orders payable to Clark County Department of Business License.
For license renewals, the Department is now accepting credit cards, debit cards, and ACH (e-check) payments over the Internet. Prior to the license renewal due date, licensees will receive a letter from the Department containing a unique user ID and password needed for access to the online renewal system.
Payment transactions that are completed before 11:59 p.m. PST will be credited on the same day. A non-refundable convenience fee of 2.65% of total fees will apply to each credit card and debit card payment.
If your license requires a background investigation by the Las Vegas Metropolitan Police, the Department will provide you with the investigation application forms and submit your application to the Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department.
Fees for background applications must be paid by check, cashiers check or money order payable to: Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department.
Do I have to make an appointment?
Lobby services are available for walk-in assistance for customers with General Licenses Monday through Thursday, 7:30 AM - 4:30 PM.
Appointments for Regulated Licenses are taken Monday through Thursday, 8:00 AM - 4:00 PM.
Our offices are closed on Fridays.
Inquiries and submissions for regulated, massage & reflexology, liquor and gaming, and cannabis establishment license applications are by appointment only. To schedule an appointment, click on "Appointment Services" below.
Please see our Appointment Services page for more information.

How do I obtain a fictitious firm name?
Need to file a Fictitious Firm Name? Read about the County Clerk requirements if you plan to officially "name" your business. There is some excellent information for you on their website and you will have all the information you need to file your fictitious firm name. This form needs to be filed prior to applying for a Business License.
How can I report changes to my existing business license?
Section 6.04.090, 6.04.100, 6.04.110, 6.04.120, and 6.04.130 of the Clark County Code, provides guidelines for changes to existing business location, name, mailing address, officer changes and ownership changes of 99% or less. (Note: Ownership changes of 100% will require a new license).
For changes, please read the instructions found in our Change Form Packet.
Change Forms
The Change Form Packet includes the following: Checklist for Change of Business License; Application for Change of Business License (including Applicable License Changes and Fees), a Fire Permit Survey Form, and a Lease Information Sheet.
How do I close my business?
Licensees are responsible for notifying Clark County Business License of all business closures within Unincorporated Clark County. You may request to close out your business license by placing it "Out of Business". Here are two ways to close or sell your business.
For registered users who already have a user name and password, log in to your account and click on the "Close Business" link.
Please note that you can close your business online ONLY IF YOU HAVE NO OUTSTANDING FEES.

By Email, Mail or Fax:
Complete the Out of Business Form and email, mail, fax, or delivered in person to the Department.
Complete and scan the Out of Business Form and email to chap@ClarkCountyNV.gov.
Mailing Address:
Clark County Business License
500 S. Grand Central Pkwy, 3rd Floor
Box 551810
Las Vegas, NV 89155-1810
(702) 386-2168
Please make sure that there are no outstanding fees prior to closing a business.