About Commissioner Segerblom

Clark County Commission Chairman Tick Segerblom was sworn in to his first term to represent District E on Jan. 7, 2019. He was selected chairman by fellow members of the Board of County Commissioners on Jan. 2, 2024. Prior to, he was named vice-chairman by his peers on the Board in July 2023. A third-generation Nevadan born in Boulder City, he brings a legacy of service to the residents of Nevada, serving in the state Assembly from 2006 to 2012 and as a state senator from 2012 to 2018. He is a staunch progressive on equal rights and smart growth management. His service legacy hails from his mother who served in the Nevada Assembly and his grandmother and great grandfather who also served in the state Legislature, making him a fourth-generation Nevada state representative. Commissioner Segerblom served six regular sessions and eight special sessions in the state Legislature.
Prior to politics in Nevada, Commissioner Segerblom was in the White House Personnel Office for President Jimmy Carter and was later appointed by former Nevada Governor Richard Bryan to the Colorado River Commission. He served on the River Commission from 1988 to 1990 and in 1990 was elected to a four-year stint as state chair of the Nevada Democratic Party.
A graduate of Pomona College in California and the University of Denver Law School, Commissioner Segerblom practices law, specializing in employee-employer relations. He was recognized by the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) in 1992 as the "Civil Libertarian of the Year" for his work on behalf of Nevada's working class. He also was chosen to receive the Nevada State American Federation of Labor and Congress of Industrial Organization (AFL-CIO)'s "Friend to Nevada's Working Families Award" in 2006. Additionally, Commissioner Segerblom served on the Clark County Legal Aid Society board and as legal counsel to the Nevada Faculty Alliance.
From 1991 to 1995 he served on the Las Vegas Planning Commission. From 1996 to 2000, he was a member and, for a time, chaired the Las Vegas Historic Preservation Commission, working to protect the architecture of local buildings.
When he is not in the office, he enjoys exploring Nevada's outdoors. He and his wife, Sharon, have three children, Mary Clare, Eva and Carl.
Commission Chairman Segerblom was selected by his fellow commissioners to serve in the following capacities:
- Chairman - Clark County Water Reclamation District Board of Trustees
- Chairman - Clark County Redevelopment Agency
- Chairman - Local Law Enforcement Advisory Committee
- Vice Chairman - Liquor & Gaming Licensing Board of Directors
- Vice Chairman - University Medical Center Board of Trustees
- Member - Southern Nevada Health District Board of Health
- Member - Southern Nevada Regional Housing Authority Board of Commissioners
- Member - Southern Nevada Regional Planning Coalition
- Member - Springs Preserve Board of Trustees
- Member - University of Nevada, Las Vegas Campus Improvement District
- Member- Regional Transportation Commission of Southern Nevada
- Member - Regional Flood Control District Board of Directors
- Member - Clark County School District Technical Advisory Committee
- Member - Clark County School District Oversight Panel
- Member - Criminal Justice Coordinating Council
- Member - Nevada Local Justice Reinvestment Coordinating Council
- Spearheading bills to legalize cannabis for medical and recreational use in Nevada
- Representing Clark County School District teachers in the fight for adequate educational funding
- Fourth-generation Nevada political representative
- White House Personnel Office for U.S. President Jimmy Carter
- Selected to Chair the State Senate Committee on Judiciary
- Served on the State Senate Education Committee
- Served on the State Senate Legislative Operations & Elections Committee
- Served on the State Senate Health and Human Services Committee
- Served on the State Senate Natural Resources Committee
- Selected to Chair State Assembly Legislative Operations & Elections Committee
- Served on the State Assembly Commerce and Labor Committee
- Served on the State Assembly Corrections, Parole, and Probation Committee
- Served on the State Assembly Education Committee Served on the State Assembly Elections, Procedures, Ethics and Constitutional Amendments Committee
- Served on the State Assembly Judiciary Committee
- Served on the State Assembly Natural Resources, Agriculture and Mining Committee
- Served on a Select Committee on Ethics
- Advisory Commission on the Administration of Justice (2013-2014, Chair)
- Advisory Commission on the Administration of Justice's Subcommittee on the Medical Use of Marijuana (2013-2014)
- Advisory Committee to Study Laws Concerning Sex Offender Registration (2009-2010; 2013-2014)
- Committee on High-Level Radioactive Waste (2017-2018)
- Committee to Conduct an Interim Study Concerning the Impact of Technology Upon Gaming (AB 360) (2013-2014)
- Committee to Consult With the Director (2009-2010; 2013-2014) Committee to Study the Advisability and Feasibility of Treating Certain Traffic and Related Violations as Civil Infractions (ACR 9) (2017-2018)
- Gaming Policy Committee (2013-2014; 2017-2018) Implementation of Courts of Chancery (ACR 35) (2007-2008)
- Legislative Committee on Child Welfare and Juvenile Justice (2013-2014; 2017-2018)
- National Conference of Commissioners on Uniform State Laws (2007-2008; 2009-2010)
- Nevada Right to Counsel Commission (2017-2018)
- Powers Delegated to Local Governments (SB 264) (2009-2010)
- Requirements for Reapportionment and Redistricting (ACR 19) (2009-2010, Chair)
- Structure and Operations of the Nevada Legislature (ACR 12) (2011-2012, Chair)
- Trademark and Copyright Law (AB 383) (2011-2012, Chair)
- Chaired the Las Vegas Historic Preservation Commission, which protects historic neighborhoods and buildings
- Member of Las Vegas Historic Preservation Commission
- Appointed to Colorado River Commission
- State Chair Nevada Democratic Party
- Legal Counsel to the Nevada Faculty Alliance
- Member of the Clark County Legal Aid Society Board of Directors
- Member of the Las Vegas Planning Commission
- Supporter of the Citizenship Project
- Supporter of the Legal Aid Center of Southern Nevada
- Member Asian Chamber of Commerce
- Head of the Las Vegas Water Defender, a Colorado Riverkeeper Affiliate
- Western regional director of the Democratic National Committee (1978 – 1980)
- Southern executive director of California Democratic Party (1980- 1982) Listed as one of Nevada's top employment lawyers since 1992
- Elected state chair of Nevada democratic party twice for two-year terms (1990 and 1992)
- Board of Trustees for the Neon Museum