TAB/CAC Resource Manual
The Town Advisory Board (TAB)/Citizens Advisory Council (CAC) Resource Manual was designed to provide TAB and CAC members with information and links to valuable resources that will aid them as they conduct TAB/CAC business. The manual consists of six (6) sections that are available below. If you have questions related to the TAB/CAC Resource Manual, contact your county liaison.
2025 Annual Training
Watch videos from the 2025 TAB/CAC Orientation Training Session and review updated sections of the TAB/CAC Resource Manual. The session has been organized in seven (10) videos and listed below. Additionally, presentations and handouts for each area of training are provided below. Once you have watched all parts of the training, please click on this Training Acknowledgement Form, print it, initial and sign it, and return it to your respective county liaison. (please link updated training acknowledgement form to the attached pdf doc and link the text “county liaison” to the link already included)
Presentation Materials
1. Overview of TABs and CACs | 4. Planning and Zoning |
2. Ethics and Open Meeting Law | 5. Public Works |
3. Roles, Running a Meeting, Professionalism and Protocol | 6. Cultural District Designations |
1. Overview:
- Clark County Government
- Role of TABs/CACs
- Appointment of TAB/CAC Members
- Bylaws
- Secretarial Duties
- Budget Procedures
2. Planning Procedures:
- TAB/CAC Recommendation Form
- Notification Card - Example
- Staff Report - Example
- Notice of Final Action - Example
- Notice of Final Action - Individual
3. County Departments & Services:
- Organizational Chart
- Administrative Services
- Building Department
- Community Resources
- Comprehensive Planning
- Fire Department
- Parks & Recreation
- Public Works
4. References & Resources:
Other Boards and Meeting Dates
- Maps
- Urban Planning Areas
- Commission Districts - All Clark County
- Commission Districts - Urban
- Commission Districts - With Cities
- Commission Districts - Detailed
- Commission Districts and Unincorporated Towns- Valley
- Public Facilities
- Southern Nevada Public Lands Management Act
- Helpful Links
5. Open Meeting Law & Ethics:
- Open Meeting Law
6. Running a Successful Meeting:
- Board of County Commissioners Rules of Procedure Handbook
- Meeting Facilitation - Setting Ground Rules
- Running a Town Board Meeting - Rules to Keep Order