In January 2020, Clark County launched a major effort—called Transform Clark County—to establish a cohesive, county-wide vision for the future and a defined strategy to achieve that vision. This effort includes a complete rewrite of Clark County’s key policy and regulatory documents—the Master Plan and Development Code (Title 30). The updated Master Plan was adopted in November 2021 and serves as a policy guide for the growth and physical development of Clark County over the coming decades. The County is now working on the updates to the Development Code.
Click here for more informationClark County residents are encouraged to participate and learn more about Transform Clark County by visiting the project website. There one can find out more about the project, access a description and timeline of the process, track events and sign up for email updates. One may also track the project on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn and other social media channels using the hashtag #TransformClarkCounty.