



Location:  Southern tip of Clark County
Size:  67,796 acres, 80 square miles

Laughlin is an unincorporated Town administered by Clark County located on the banks of the Colorado River in the tri-state area, the geographic meeting point of San Bernardino County, California, Mojave County, Arizona, and Clark County, Nevada.

Scientific dating techniques confirm that ancient peoples lived near modern-day Laughlin 3,000 to 4,000 years ago.  Their petroglyphs and rock drawings have survived.

Mining emerged in the area, and the largest mine was the Katherine Gold Mine discovered in 1900 and operated intermittently until it closed in 1942 after producing $12 million worth of ore.

Davis Dam construction was complete in 1953.

Don Laughlin, who the community was named after, invested and built his first casino resort here in 1972.

Current Land Use Plan Map
Land Use Plan Map prior to November 17, 2021
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