The single most significant challenge in meeting the County’s park development obligations is funding. Significant financial investment is necessary for park construction as well as ongoing park management, including programming, operation and maintenance, and public safety and assistance. Funding for park management is primarily derived from the County’s general fund. Conversely, the majority of park construction funds came from non-County sources between 2000 and 2009.
During the past 10 years 75% of park construction funding came from non-County sources, primarily the
Southern Nevada Public Lands Management Act and developer built parks under the County’s
Major Projects Program. Regional Construction Tax, a $0.36 per square foot tax on new single family and multi-family housing, accounted for 16% followed by 15% from a special park bond. The remaining 4% of park construction funding came from the County’s general fund.
Park maintenance is administered by the County’s
Real Property Management Department, and programming of parks is done by the
Parks and Recreation Department. The Department of Comprehensive Planning has responsibility for planning park development needs within unincorporated Clark County. The planning of parks within unincorporated Clark County is directed by the Parks, Trails, and Open Space Element of the Clark County Comprehensive Plan, with regulations found in
Title 19 of the Clark County Code, and
Nevada Revised Statues 278.497-4987.