
Payment Options

Payment Options

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We offer several ways to make your child support payments. Direct payments you give the custodial parent will be considered a gift and no credit will be given. **Please note, once SCaDU has received your payment, it may take 3-5 business days for processing.**

Payment Option Pay By Payment Type
By Phone  Phone1 

Debit or Credit Cards Accepted
(Visa, MasterCard, Discover)
(855) 288-2352
24 hours a day/7 days a week
Fees apply

By Mail  Mail2 

Money Orders, Cashier’s & Business Checks
Mail to:
State Collection & Disbursement Unit (SCaDU)
PO Box 98950
Las Vegas, NV 89193-8950

**Name, NVKIDS case number and SSN #
must be provided on money orders/checks

(Participating Locations)


Make cash payments at participating locations
(CVS or WalMart)
with NVKIDS case number and receive code 16506
Fees apply



Visa, MasterCard, Discover, PayPal, Venmo

Fees apply

Income withholding from paychecks is required by law for most child support cases. **Please note, if you pay your child support through income withholding and your full obligation is not met, you are responsible to pay the difference.**

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