
Voting Rights in Nevada for Convicted or Detained Individuals

Voting Rights in Nevada for Convicted or Detained Individuals

Last Updated August 19, 2024

Currently Incarcerated or Detained Individuals:

  • FELONY CONVICTION: If you are currently serving a term of imprisonment for a felony conviction, you are not eligible to register or vote in the State of Nevada.
  • MISDEMEANOR CONVICTION: If you are currently incarcerated because of a misdemeanor conviction, you are eligible to register and vote. Contact your facility personnel for details about registration and voting. Use your residence prior to detention as your residential address for voter registration purposes. You may use the detention center address as a mailing address only.
  • DETENTION: If you are currently detained but have not been convicted (including detention for felony offenses), you are eligible to register and vote. Contact your detention center facility personnel for details about registration and voting. Use your residential address prior to detention as your residence address for voter registration purposes. You may use the detention center address as a mailing address only.

Release from Prison:  
Any Nevada resident convicted of a felony, regardless of their felony category, automatically has their right to vote restored upon release from prison. This restoration is immediate, requiring no waiting period or additional actions by the individual. Additionally, individuals convicted of a felony who are placed on probation, granted parole, or granted a pardon also have their voting rights automatically restored.

Requirements for Registering to Vote: To register to vote, you must meet all eligibility requirements (NRS 293.485, 4855, 540, 542). You must:

  • Be a U.S. citizen AND
  • Be at least 18 years old by the next election (or 17 if preregistering) AND
  • Have resided in Nevada and your county for at least 30 days before the election and in your precinct for at least 10 days AND
  • Not currently be imprisoned for a felony conviction AND
  • Have no court order stating you lack the mental capacity to vote

You must also provide an identification number from one of the following:

  • A current and valid Nevada Driver’s License OR
  • A current and valid Nevada DMV-Issued State Identification Card OR
  • A current and valid Nevada DMV “Interim Document” OR
  • A current and valid Nevada Tribal Identification (as described in NRS 237.200) OR
  • If you register to vote using a paper Registration Application form, you also have the option of providing the last four digits of your Social Security Number
Do I Need to Re-Register?  
If your voter registration was canceled because of a felony conviction, you may re-register to vote upon release from prison. You do not need to provide any documentation or evidence that your voting rights have been restored. Check your voter registration status or request a paper voter registration application by logging in to Registered Voter Services at You may register online at

What if I was Convicted in Another State?  
The restoration of voting rights for Nevada residents applies automatically upon your release from prison, regardless of whether you were convicted of a felony in another state or in a federal court.

Statutes: See NRS 213.157, 293.269971, and 293.543.  Also see the Nevada Secretary of State's information.


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