Mission Statement
The Clark County Advisory Board to Manage Wildlife members are appointed by County Commissioners and serve three-year terms and are responsible for advising the Nevada Board of Wildlife Commissioners, particularly the setting of seasons and limits for their respective counties. The board members advise the Commission on the management of wildlife by gathering information from area sportspersons and local input through meetings in their county.
The purpose of the Clark County Advisory Board to Manage Wildlife Per NRS 501.297 through 501.303, is to study and give recommendations on wildlife management issues and communicate ideas and concerns to the Nevada Board of Wildlife Commissioners, thus enabling the Commissioners to do the job they were appointed to do. The board members are not responsible for the actual preparation of policies or programs, for counties with 700,000 or more in population, there shall be 5-7 board members with the size at the discretion of the Board of County Commissioners.
NRS 501.265 includes the following criteria:
The board of county commissioners shall appoint qualified persons to the board who are residents of the county and are: (a) Hunters, trappers or anglers; or (b) Engaged in ranching or farming in the county. In addition to the members appointed pursuant to subsection 1, (1) the board of county commissioners shall appoint one qualified person to the board who represents the interests of the general public of the county. (2) the person appointed pursuant to this subsection must be a resident of the county from which he or she is appointed.
The Clark County Advisory Board to Manage Wildlife contact information and current meeting agendas, when available are posted also on NDOWs website. Board members are selected with the intent to provide representation from a cross-section of the county, to ensure that all major viewpoints are examined and that any faction or special interest group does not dominate the Clark County Advisory Board to Manage Wildlife and the meetings facilitate proper identification and presentation of these concerns and provide open forum for the public to voice wildlife-related issues in their community.
Paul Dixon (Chair)
Dan Gilbert (Vice Chair)
John Hiatt (Board Member)
Annoula Wylderich (Board Member)
Jacob Thompson (Board Member)
Dave Talaga (Board Member)
Alexander Harper (Board Member)