
Dust Monitor Classes

Dust Monitor Classes

*Air Quality must have ten (10) attendees to conduct a Dust Monitor Class.

*Contact Heath Richards or Katrinka Byers for questions.

Any CONSTRUCTION project having 50 acres or more of actively disturbed soil at any given time shall be required by the CONTROL OFFICER to have in place an individual designated as the Dust Control Monitor with full authority to ensure that dust CONTROL MEASURES are implemented, including inspections, record keeping, deployment of resources, and shut-down or modification of CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITIES as needed.

To enroll in a dust monitor class, go to the online portal for dust control permitting, complaints, and dust classes. Sign in if you already have an account or create an account. Go to the Dust Monitor Classes tab. Select the Register option. Then, complete the required information, and submit.

Once ten attendees have registered, Air Quality will schedule a class and issue an invoice. You will receive an email that the registration is pending payment. The payment voucher with invoice details will be available for downloading in the top right-hand corner of your portal account where you will also find a link to the online payment option.

After payment is received, the registration is complete.
If payment is not received at least 7 days before class, the registration will be canceled.

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