Do I need an air quality permit for my business or facility?
A source has to obtain a minor source permit if it has the potential to emit regulated air pollutants equal to or greater than the levels listed in Section 12.1.1(d) of the Clark County Air Quality Regulations. If you're not sure how to calculate your potential to emit, please contact a Small Business Assistance Program (SBAP) specialist at or 702-455-5942.
What forms do I need to submit with an application for a minor stationary source permit?
It depends on the type of permit. All applications must include the minor source permit application, with new permits, revisions, and renewals requiring different additional paperwork. Stationary source applications and worksheets are available on our website Stationary Source Permitting page. For help selecting the necessary forms for your individual application, contact an SBAP specialist at or 702-455-5942.
Can I get help completing permitting or compliance forms?
SBAP services are free and confidential. An SBAP specialist can help you complete any form on the website at no cost or help you find an environmental consultant. For help completing forms, contact an SBAP specialist at or 702-455-5942.
How long does it take to get an air quality permit?
Please keep in mind that DAQ has 60 days to determine whether an application is complete. Deficiencies cause delays. DAQ will issue a new minor source permit 150 days maximum after the application is deemed complete if no public participation is required. Processing will take an extra 30 days if public participation is required. Permit renewals may take up to 75 or 120 days after the completeness determination, and significant permit revisions may take up to 120 days after the completeness determination.
How much does an air quality permit cost?
Minor source fees are available on our website at our Fee Schedule permitting section. This list shows permit application review and other fees. All new, renewal, minor revision, and significant revision applications must be submitted with the permit application filing fee. DAQ will invoice any additional fees that apply when the minor stationary source permit is issued. For specific questions, please contact an SBAP specialist at or 702-455-5942.
Does my minor source permit expire? When do I need to renew?
Minor source permits expire five years after the date of issuance. A timely renewal application must be submitted at least 120 days (four months), but no more than 270 days (nine months), before the permit's date of expiration. If the application is not timely (submitted between the expiration date and 120 days prior), the renewal may not be issued before your current permit expires. Operating without a minor source permit is a violation of Clark County Air Quality Regulations.
I paid my annual fees. Is that the same as renewing my permit?
Annual operating permit renewal fees are invoiced every year in accordance with Section 18. These fees are due annually and do not change the expiration date of your permit.
How do I change the responsible official?
Fill out and submit the
Declaration of Responsible Official form. Then mail or hand-deliver the form to DAQ at 4701 W. Russell Road, Suite 200, Las Vegas 89118.
If the current responsible official no longer works for your company, complete and submit the Declaration of Responsible Official form. Where it asks for the signature of the current responsible official, write in: "(name) no longer works for the company."
I went over my permit limits. What do I do?
Submit an application to revise your minor source permit that includes, at a minimum, a minor source permit application Stationary Source Permitting page and updated calculations. For help, contact an SBAP specialist at or 702-455-5942.
How do I terminate my permit?
The responsible official should send a letter to DAQ requesting the minor source permit be terminated. It must be on company letterhead, be addressed to the permitting manager, state the reason for the termination, and have the original ("wet") signature of a responsible official. The letter can be mailed to DAQ or hand-delivered. No fees are required.
How do I remove an emission unit from my permit?
Submit a Prior Notification Form. Select change (5) and describe the proposed change(s) in the space provided. The emission unit will be removed for the purposes of annual billing, but an updated minor source permit will not be issued. No fees are required.
If you want the emission unit removed from the permit's "Summary of Emission Units" table and the source's potential to emit reduced accordingly, you must submit a minor revision with applicable fees.
For help, contact an SBAP specialist at or 702-455-5942.
When can I begin construction?
Section states, " person shall commence construction of, operate, or make a modification to a minor source except in compliance with a minor source permit that authorizes such construction, operation, or modification."
General site development is OK, but you cannot do any construction directly related to any emission unit(s) and/or construct a slab associated with an emission unit unless DAQ has authorized construction. (The issuance of a minor source permit for a new source, or for an existing source that is undergoing a significant permit revision, authorizes the construction of all emission units listed in the permit.) If one or more new emission units are being added to the minor source permit through a minor permit revision, you can install them after seven days if DAQ does not object within that time.
When are annual emissions inventory reports due?
On March 31 of each year, unless otherwise specified in the permit. If you maintain an active minor source permit, you must submit your annual emissions inventory even if there was no activity. The report must arrive at DAQ on or before the due date; DAQ does not accept postmark dates. For help completing your annual emissions inventory, contact an SBAP specialist at or 702-455-5942.
When are annual invoices/billing sent out?
The first week of January in each year. Invoices are due 30 days after the date of issuance.
How can I pay my fees? What are my payment options?
DAQ accepts checks, Visa, MasterCard, and money orders. As of March 1, 2016, DAQ cannot accept cash.
How can I get a copy of my minor source permit or technical support document (TSD)?
Contact the Small Business Assistance Program by email or call 702-455-5942 if you need copies of source documents.
An SBAP specialist may be able to call up documents that are simple and/or readily available. If the specialist cannot find your document(s), please fill out a Public Records Request Form and submit it online. A records specialist will get in touch to help you.
How do I remove Phase II/Stage II vapor recovery from my existing gasoline dispensing operation permit?
Submit a minor source permit application and an emission unit worksheet for a gasoline dispensing operation to DAQ Stationary Source Permitting page. Include the application fee. Decommissioning may begin after DAQ authorizes a permit revision.
Within 180 days of DAQ issuing the revision, you must decommission the Phase II vapor recovery system and conduct a vapor recovery performance test that conforms with the permit's conditions (see Section 4.2 of the permit, "TESTING").
A revision does not change a permit's expiration date.
Do temporary crushers and powered screens need a permit?
Please refer to this FAQ document for questions regarding temporary crushers and powered screens
How do I comply with fugitive dust permit conditions in my minor source permit (AQR 92 and 94)?
Please refer to this FAQ document for questions regarding controlling fugitive dust at stationary sources.