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Frequently Asked Questions

Do I need an air quality permit for my business or facility?

What forms do I need to submit with an application for a minor stationary source permit?

Can I get help completing permitting or compliance forms?

How long does it take to get an air quality permit?

How much does an air quality permit cost?

Does my minor source permit expire? When do I need to renew?

I paid my annual fees. Is that the same as renewing my permit?

How do I change the responsible official?

I went over my permit limits. What do I do?

How do I terminate my permit?

How do I remove an emission unit from my permit?

When can I begin construction?

When are annual emissions inventory reports due?

When are annual invoices/billing sent out?

How can I pay my fees? What are my payment options?

How can I get a copy of my minor source permit or technical support document (TSD)?

How do I remove Phase II/Stage II vapor recovery from my existing gasoline dispensing operation permit?

Do temporary crushers and powered screens need a permit?

How do I comply with fugitive dust permit conditions in my minor source permit (AQR 92 and 94)?

Contact SBAP for assistance or further information!

Phone: 702-455-1660

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