Who is the current Chief Judge?
The current Chief Judge of the North Las Vegas Township Justice Court is Belinda T. Harris, Department 3.
Can I make an appointment to talk to the judge assigned to my case?
No, an appointment to talk with your judge is not allowed. All ex-parte communication is prohibited by law, which requires that each party or their respective attorney is involved. This also means an email cannot be sent to the judge on matters pertaining to an active case.
How can I be heard by the judge?
The Court may only receive information on a case pending before a judge by the filing of the appropriate motion which would be set on the court's calendar. Any other information received outside of this procedure is prohibited. If the party cannot afford legal representation, then they may prepare the motion (a document indicating what relief/issue that they want the judge to address) by themselves. The State and Local Bar Associations also may be able to help.
Do I need an attorney to appear in court?
No, you do not need an attorney to appear in court; however, individual parties appearing in proper person are required to follow local court rules. You can also do research at the Law Library. Professional businesses and corporations may not be represented by anyone other than a licensed attorney, except in Small Claims.
How do I contact an attorney?
This court cannot refer you to, nor recommend, any attorney. You will find attorneys listed in the telephone book or you may contact a Lawyer's Referral service. A referral and information service is also sponsored by the State and Local Bar Associations.
What types of assistance can be provided by court employees?
Court employees can give PROCEDURAL information only, but are prohibited from providing any information that can be construed as legal advice. NRS 7.285 states "A person shall not practice law in this state if the person is not an active member of the State Bar of Nevada…"
Do you have an attorney that will answer my legal questions?
No, however, as a service to North Las Vegas residents, a kiosk located in our lobby provides information and forms. It also provides an interface with a representative in the Civil Law Self Help Center located in the Regional Justice Center. There is no fee for use of the kiosk or for printing forms. Additionally, the Clark County Law Library can direct you to books and information to research your legal question. If you would like legal advice, you may call Lawyer Referral at the State Bar of Nevada (702)382-0504.
How do I find my case on-line?
This site allows searching of the following court case types maintained within the North Las Vegas Justice Court system:
In order to search, a case number, citation number, or person's first and last name are required. The information that is presented is current, but may be updated later.
ENTER HERE to search case records.
What are Sealed Records?
Sealing case records originates with a requirement to protect confidential information from public access. Specific reasons for sealing a case may vary. The court may order the sealing of individual civil or temporary protective order cases. Criminal records may be ordered sealed upon meeting certain statutory requirements. An order to seal includes all records, papers and exhibits in the custody of court. Other records relating to the case, in the custody of such other agencies and officials as are named in the order, must also be ordered sealed. All proceedings recounted in the record are deemed never to have occurred. In some circumstances, the court may seal only certain documents in a case, without sealing the entire file. Our current technology cannot block Internet access to individual documents but must restrict access to the entire case. The same is true for criminal cases involving more than one defendant. If the case is ordered sealed as to one defendant, the entire case will be sealed from Internet access.
By order of the court, there is no Internet access to sealed records. Parties to the action (plaintiff or defendant) and counsel of record may access sealed cases by submitting a request in person to the clerk of the court where the case was filed. Photo identification is required.
How do I obtain a copy of my transcript?
North Las Vegas Justice Court is pleased to announce that DVD’s of court civil proceedings may now be obtained for a $25 fee. Please allow 3 business days for production of DVD’s.
If filing an appeal in District Court, a typed transcript of the proceeding is required, at a cost of $40, plus a fee per page. You will be responsible for all costs associated with preparing transcripts – a $100 deposit is required to start the process. Upon completion, a balance may be due, or you may receive a partial refund of your deposit.
How do I resolve a traffic citation?
The court will send you a Notice of Appearance form that indicates the Bail Amount and Appearance Date. Some violations require a mandatory court appearance, as listed below. If your appearance is not mandatory and you do not wish to see a judge, you can resolve the citation by paying the bail amount in full on or before the appearance date. Payments are accepted at the court’s front counter by cash, debit card, VISA©, or MASTERCARD® credit card, personal check, money order, or cashier's check.
Payments are accepted by mail, by personal check, money order, or cashier’s check. The Court must receive the payment before the appearance date. Be sure to write the CITATION NUMBER on the check or money order to ensure your payment is applied correctly. Payments without this information risk being posted to the wrong citation. If you wish a receipt showing that the payment was processed, you MUST INCLUDE a self-addressed stamped envelope with all payments sent by mail.
NOTICE REGARDING EFFECT OF FORFEITURE OF BAIL: Forfeiture of bail will have the same force and effect as a judgment of court, and notification will be sent to the Licensing Authority of this State (or of the State where you received your license to drive). By forfeiting bail, you are WAIVING any right to a hearing by a court.
MANDATORY COURT APPEARANCE: You must appear in court on the appearance date listed on this complaint for any of the following:
- Reckless driving
- Driving on a suspended or revoked license
- Fraudulent use of drivers license or license plates: includes borrowing, loaning, stolen, fictitious, not licensed or allowing unlicensed person to drive
- All DWI charges
If you do not wish to forfeit bail and would like to see a judge, you will need to appear in court on the assigned court date. Please arrive by 8:45 am and check in at the customer service window. You will be directed to the appropriate courtroom.
If you have any questions, please call the court at (702) 455-7802, Monday through Friday, 8 am to 4 pm, and speak with a clerk.
What happens if you Fail to Appear for a traffic citation?
If you fail to appear on your court date and you have not:
- Paid the full bail, or
- Contacted the court and requested a continuance (one time only)
The Judge will order a bench warrant for your arrest. At that time, a notice will be sent to your State department of motor vehicles requesting the suspension of your driver’s license. A Bench Warrant fee of $100.00 will be added to the cost of the citation. Additional delays in resolving your case will result in the addition of a Collection Fee of $100 to $500 (depending on the amount owed). In addition to the fees and penalties, all unpaid traffic citations will be reported to national credit reporting agencies.
What happens if out of state violators Fail to Appear?
If you fail to appear, a notice of your violation will be sent to your home state drivers’ license department for action and a warrant of arrest will be issued.
How do I resolve a Traffic Bench Warrant and Failure to Appear?
To recall a TRAFFIC BENCH WARRANT AND FAILURE TO APPEAR (FTA) you must take either of the following actions:
- Pay the FULL BAIL AMOUNT shown on the notice of warrant by mailing payment along with the citation to the Court at the address listed on the citation. Or,
- Schedule an appearance in Traffic Court. Individuals coming to the court who have outstanding warrant(s) resulting from traffic citations will not be arrested at the customer service window. However, the warrant(s) will stay in effect UNTIL the court resolves the matter.
How are juvenile traffic citations handled?
Juveniles must make an appearance in Court and be accompanied by a parent or guardian. No court date changes will be granted to the juvenile. The parent or guardian at the Court counter must make all arraignment request changes. If a juvenile fails to appear without a parent, the Court will not hear his or her matter until a parent or guardian is present.
What happens if I Fail to Appear for a criminal matter?
A warrant will have been issued for your immediate arrest. You should contact your attorney immediately to have your case re-calendared. If you do not have an attorney, you will need to file a motion to place on calendar with the court. You will not be arrested when conducting this type of business.
What happens if I Fail to Appear for a civil/small claims/eviction matter?
A Default Judgment may have been entered against you. Please contact the Civil Division clerk for further instruction at (702)455-7801.