Community Engagement Continued...
Our approach centers around listening to the community, including the survivors, the citizens of Las Vegas, and the country music community. Through dialogue, we can weave a narrative that celebrates the lives of those lost, supports healing, and honors the spirit of #VegasStrong.
We believe that design is most effective when it is imaginative, pragmatic, reflective—and co-created with those most directly affected. Our approach builds upon lived experiences and includes education, human-centered design, and participatory action research. Engagement with each audience has a different goal—from holding space for reflection for families and survivors to keeping city stakeholders informed—and requires different methods. Our process is designed to help strengthen existing lines of communication and create new lines of communication by facilitating conversations, developing a common understanding, and building capacity.
Our team is committed to engaging with the community of all those affected by this tragedy. We understand the gravity of these interactions, and it will be crucial to shape the memorial into one that resonates for the involved people. The 1 October Memorial Committee, along with other partners and organizations, have a wealth of knowledge and work to build upon in the design and engagement process. Our work will be approached with the guiding principles of Remembrance, Respect, Honor, Healing, Unity, Peace, Community, and Love that the committee has identified through community outreach and surveys.
OLIN’s community engagement plan aims to keep the 1 October stakeholders and community informed and involved throughout all phases of the memorial’s journey. The methods of engagement will be tailored to the different stages of the project, from sharing ideas to sowing seeds, and will reflect the journey the design team will experience together with community members in creating a meaningful memorial park. Overall, the focus of the engagement and memorial development will center on mental health, survivors, heroism, and healing. The memorial can become a place for gathering, respite, and quiet reflection. Deep listening and spaces for rest and reflection will not only be present in the physical memorial but in the engagement process itself. Specific attention will be given to engaging with the biographies of each of the 58 individuals lost, consulting with families, friends, and survivors. All this, along with other local resources, our curators will focus on engaging and making the memorial appropriate to all ages with a sense of reverence and peace.
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