
In Print

In Print

In Print
celebrates the revolutionary role of printmaking in communicating information, and its ongoing evolution as a significant art practice. Showcasing technical proficiency and innovative approaches, the selected works demonstrate the diversity and vibrancy of this dynamic medium, paying tribute to its roots while pushing the boundaries of the medium in contemporary times. We hope to inspire appreciation of the rich history and ongoing innovation of printmaking and engage viewers with the artists' unique expressions. Whether you are a long-time admirer of the medium or a newcomer to its wonders, we hope that you to explore the past, present, and future of printmaking through this exciting exhibition.

This exhibition is juried by Erik Beehn, an artist and educator working out of Las Vegas. Beehn received his MFA from the School of The Art Institute of Chicago (’15) and is currently adjunct faculty at the University of Nevada Las Vegas. Beehn’s work employs painting, photography, printmaking and installation to investigate an arc of mark making techniques throughout the 20th century, with an interest in the evolution of observational painting into abstraction. Beehn is the founder and director of Test Site Projects, a fine art publishing house and project space located in Las Vegas. Beehn’s work is included in permanent collections at the Marjorie Barrick Museum of Art, The Nevada Museum of Art, and The Cleveland Clinic.

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