Clark County Parks and Recreation Department’s Public Arts Office is currently seeking a digital artist / art team to work with youth to create inspiring, encouraging, and empowering messages in the bathrooms at the Paradise Recreation Center. Artist is required to host a total of (8) hours of workshops with the youth of Paradise Recreation Center, ages 9 to 12 years old then create digital designs to be printed and installed as vinyl in the bathrooms of the center. This project is open only to artists over the age of 18, who are not part-time or full-time Clark County employees or currently under contract for any Clark County Public Arts project larger than $50,000.
The budget for the project is $4,000 total for the workshops and the digital design. The County expects the project to be completed by August of 2024.
The call is now closed. Deadline was Thursday, March 28, 2024.
Jurors are currently evaluating submissions. Please visit again after April 11, 2024 when the chosen artist will be announced!
The Empowerment Art! Project is an annual community engagement series that connects local artists to the youth of the community through the arts and beautifies the recreation centers with the theme of empowerment.
Please visit past Empowerment Art! Installations for more information.