Location: Shotgun Center south of the trap/skeet fields
The Shotgun Center has 80 pull-through RV sites with 30 and 50-amp full-service hookup. All sites 22’ x 120’. Check-in/out times: 2:00pm and 12:00pm (noon), respectively. There is a 29-day maximum stay. Use our convenient online reservation service.
RV Patron Agreement
Payment in full is considered an agreement to the following terms and conditions:
Shooting Complex RV sites are specifically for vacationing guests and event attendees.
Check-in time: 2 pm; Check-out time: noon. Quiet hours: 10 pm – 7 am. Excessing disturbance or noise from any site may result in expulsion.
All reservations require full payment in advance. Maximum stay at the Shooting Complex is 29 days. Guest agrees to vacate the site prior to the 30th consecutive day for a minimum of 48 hours. A new reservation is required to return to the facility and a new site will be assigned, with no exceptions.
Arrangements may be made to have mail or small packages delivered to the Main office of the Shooting Complex. Any mail or packages delivered for an RV guest that has departed the facility will be marked “Return to Sender”.
One camping unit and one vehicle are allowed per site. A limit of 4 occupants per camping unit is allowed.
The Shooting Complex reserves the right to approve or reject any guest based on the age and/or appearance of their vehicle or RV. RV must be in good condition and self-contained meaning sewer; water & electricity are in good working order. All grey and black water connections must be properly sealed without leaks. RV or tow vehicle service or repair is not allowed at the RV site unless provided by a professional auto or RV mobile service.
Current registration tags must be visible on all vehicles and owners must be able to show proof of insurance.
All RV and personal vehicles must be capable of being moved with a 24-hour notice. If the owner is unable to move their vehicle or RV, will be moved by a third party at the owner’s expense within 24 hours of receiving initial notice to vacate.
Only items related to short-term camping are allowed outside of the RV. Storage of other personal items is prohibited under or around vehicles or RV. Clotheslines may not be erected for any purpose.
Campfires at RV sites are restricted to approved firepits only.
Pets are allowed but must be picked up after immediately. All pets are subject to Clark County leash laws. Maximum leash length of six feet. Excessive barking or aggressive behavior is not allowed. Pets must not be kenneled, tied up, or left unattended outside of the RV. Pets are not allowed in any of the buildings of the Shooting Complex. Pet rules are strictly enforced and failure to comply will result in eviction from the facility.
Cab-over campers may not be removed from the vehicle and placed on the ground.
RV guests are expected to abide by posted speed limits at all times.
RV tank dumping is allowed with overnight stay only.
No business or commercial activity of any nature shall be conducted at the RV site.
Absolutely no sub-leasing of the site is allowed.
Guests shall not abandon their vehicles or RV for any extended period without prior management approval. Guests will be responsible for all damages or expenses suffered by Shooting Complex in the event of abandonment of any vehicle.
Day or dry camping is prohibited on Shooting Complex property.
Failure to pay in advance for site occupancy or failure to comply with rules & regulations currently in effect is grounds for eviction without refund.
Failure to vacate the premises by noon on the last day of the reservation may result in the immediate towing of the RV at the owner’s expense.
The complex reserves the right to refuse service, and to relocate any RV/vehicle in the vicinity of the RV park according to space availability and space capacity and remove any vehicle from the RV park for just cause. Refusal to move your vehicle or vacate the premises at the request of complex management will result in law enforcement intervention and/or the vehicle being towed at the RV owner's expense.

Before registering you may want to search availability. Use the below information:
Scroll down the page and select RV SITE picture box
Enter BEGIN DATE and number of NIGHTS
Select the SEARCH button to populate available sites
Click on the above link
Select the third question DON’T HAVE AN ACCOUNT? SIGN UP NOW
Select SAVE
To activate the account Monday – Saturday 8:00 am – 4:00 pm email RVReservations@ClarkCountyNV.gov