



Streetlight Update

Clark County continues to make significant strides in addressing streetlight repairs to ensure our community remains well-lit.
Clark County Public Works currently maintains over 65,000 streetlights (and growing!) throughout unincorporated Clark County.

Our goal is to respond to reports of outages in as timely a manner as possible based on available staffing, materials, and the high volume of locations impacted at this time. Clark County is committed to investing in the infrastructure needed for long-term solutions. With ongoing efforts, an increased workforce, and additional equipment, we are making strong progress to ensure brighter streets for all. 

Wire Theft & Replacement

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Equipment & Contractor Support

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Solar Streetlight Pilot Program

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Wire theft remains a challenge, but we are working diligently to replace streetlights with new wire. In some areas with repeated wire theft, we have started taking the wire overhead to make access more difficult and are replacing copper wire with aluminum wire. We also have an upcoming $1.2M wire replacement project scheduled to begin early 2025 to address a portion of our backlog of streetlight locations in need of repair due to wire theft.


We are in the process of ordering and purchasing additional equipment to support streetlight repairs. We’ve also hired contractors to assist in laying foundations and handling overhead and underground wiring.   Solar streetlight poles have already been installed by Clark County Public Works on St. Louis Avenue, which are the first in our pilot program to test the effectiveness of solar streetlights within the Las Vegas valley. We are currently working to expand the pilot program by purchasing additional solar streetlight equipment. This is the newest approach as CCPW continuously evaluates methods to combat the increase of copper wire theft throughout our community. 
Expanded Workforce

  Addressing FixIt Ticket Volume

  Increased Productivity

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We've doubled our streetlight repair staff since the beginning of the year. In addition to electricians actively working through tickets, staff is now addressing tickets with 1 crew dedicated to replacing poles and 1 crew focused on pulling wire. 
  Since FixIt ClarkCounty launched in 2020, we've received over 16,000 streetlight tickets. While many are duplicates, we have dedicated Public Works staff members working diligently to address all issues.  

Starting November 2024, we will implement swing shifts to further increase productivity.

County Commission Adopts Scrap Metal Ordinance to Curb Sale of Stolen Copper Wire
Click Here For More Information 

You can report suspected theft and streetlight outages online through FixIt Clark County at New Request: Streetlights FixIt Clark County.
If you have questions about submitting reports, please contact our office at (702)455-6000 or email

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