Clark County Vector Control abates bees, weeds, and other pests and provides pest control for Clark County buildings and the County right-of-way. The following information is provided as an overview of our services and current public health concerns in the County. For questions or to report pests in County-maintained areas, please get in touch with us.
The PV40X Drone is a state-of-the-art aquatic insect management technology. It’s intended to help manage our Black Fly suppression program on the Colorado River, help manage our mosquito suppression program, and will also move into our vegetation management programs for Clark County.
Best Management Practices for Controlling Bed Bugs
Bed Bug Bites and the Bites of Other Arthropods
How to Protect You and Your Family from Bed Bugs
Identification of Bed Bugs
English Mosquito Bite Prevention
Controlling Mosquitoes with Mosquito Fish
Indoor Spraying Factsheet
Mosquito Bite Prevention Tips
Mosquito Control - What We Do
Mosquito Life Cycle Chart
National Mosquito Control Awareness Week
AMCA Mosquito Fact Sheet
The Africanized Honeybee (AHB) is well-established in Las Vegas. These hybrids of the common European Honeybee are referred to in the news media almost exclusively as "killer bees" since several deaths in Mexico and Texas have been attributed to them. Contrary to the prevailing information about these bees, they are no more venomous than the common bee and are no more significant in size. Visual identification of the AHB requires the trained eye of an expert.
What readily distinguishes the AHB is its behavior, most notably its excessive level of colony defense. The hybrids are more easily provoked into taking defensive measures; the sound of a lawnmower or the innocent approach of a homeowner can cause a defensive attack. The defensive measures are more aggressive than those of the common bee: more bees will participate in an attack, inflict a more significant number of stings, and pursue the perceived intruder for greater distances. Another behavioral characteristic of the AHB is its tendency to swarm more often than the ordinary bee. Although bees in a swarm are considerably more docile than bees defending a hive, the bee swarm is highly visible and more likely to cause concern.

Stay Away From Honeybee Colonies
This is good advice, regardless of the type of bee. If you have a bee colony on your property, do not try to destroy it yourself. Call a pest control company. Clark County offices, buildings, and fire stations are provided pest control services on a routine basis. Vector Control eliminates Africanized Honeybees found on County property and advises residents on measures to help prevent and control AHBs on private property.
Nuisance black flies that breed in the Colorado River below Davis Dam (Laughlin area) are treated year-round in conjunction with the Bullhead City Pest Abatement District in Arizona.
Black Flies BrochureVector Control does weed abatement in flood channels and other Clark County rights-of-way for the purposes of property protection, safety, fire hazard reduction, and aesthetics. Noxious weeds are also controlled on County property.
Please contact the Southern Nevada Health District for information on mosquito control and the West Nile Virus