
Stormwater Quality Management Committee

Stormwater Quality Management Committee

Stormwater in the Las Vegas Valley is jointly managed through the Stormwater Quality Management Committee (SQMC), which is a partnership between Clark County, the Clark County Regional Flood Control District, and the cities of Las Vegas, North Las Vegas, and Henderson. The committee is responsible for the regional stormwater program development and management of compliance activities under the Las Vegas Valley Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System (MS4) Permit, which is issued by the Nevada Division of Environmental Protection. The permit is the driving force behind SQMC and the development and content of the Valley's Stormwater Management Plan (SWMP). As such, the committee is required to develop a SWMP to describe specific measures, programs, practices and activities proposed to comply with the permit requirements and address stormwater pollution in the Las Vegas Valley.

The SWMP addresses twelve major program areas including Stormwater Management, Public Education and Outreach, Illicit Discharge Detection and Elimination Program, Industrial Facility Monitoring Program, and the Construction Site Program. The SWMP is a comprehensive planning tool that guides the implementation of the stormwater program components and provides a mechanism for measuring progress towards the program objectives. The goal of the SWMP is to minimize the impact of stormwater pollution on Lake Mead, the Las Vegas Valley’s receiving water body of the MS4 and primary source of drinking water.

Please select National Pollutant Discharge and Elimination to view regional stormwater documents (MS4 Permits, Stormwater Management Plans, and Annual Reports)

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