
Environmental Reviews

Environmental Reviews

Environmental Review

An Environmental Review (ER) is the process of reviewing a project and its potential environmental impacts on the community and to determine whether it meets federal, state, and local environmental standards. The ER process is required for all United States Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD)-assisted projects (eg., Community Development Block Grant (CDBG), HOME Investment Partnership Program (HOME), Continuum of Care (CoC), and Public Housing, etc.) to ensure that the proposed project does not negatively impact the surrounding environment and that the property site itself will not have an adverse environmental or health effect on the community. 

Public Comment

If it is determined that the project will cause no significant impacts on the environment or health of the community, a Notice of Intent to Request Release of Funds, in conjunction with, Finding of No Significant Impact (NOI-RROF/FONSI) will be published for a fifteen (15) day comment period. The purpose of the NOI-RROF/FONSI is to allow the community an opportunity to comment on the project. The public is encouraged to participate during the public comment period.


If you wish to comment on a project listed below, click HERE.

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Public Comment1 document

  • Pecos Apartments - 3/24/2025-4/9/2025
    document date 03-24-2025

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