
Undocumented Immigrant Resources

Undocumented Immigrant Resources

Below is a compilation of Clark County Social Service programs accessible regardless of legal U.S residency status. These programs extend assistance to undocumented individuals. Applicants need to possess government-issued identification; in specific instances, identification cards from their country of origin are acceptable.

For more information about these programs please call Clark County Social Service at:
(702) 455- 4270 or visit one of our 4 locations.

You can also click here to learn more about our programs and services.

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Undocumented Immigrant Legal Resources

The UNLV William S. Boyd School of Law provides resources and links to other organizations to protect the rights of immigrants. 

Catholic Charities of Southern Nevada helps immigrants.

Burials and Cremation

Provides for the cremation or burial of indigent individuals who die within Clark County. To learn more about this program, visit

Welfare Set Aside Program

Clark County Social Service administers the Welfare Set-Aside Program (WSAP) . The purpose of WSAP is to provide emergency assistance for the payment of housing related expenses to low-income Clark County residents. WSAP funds are specific to the payment of rent, mortgage, or utilities. Payment is made directly to the landlord, Mortgage Company, or utility company.

Fixed Income (FI)CHAP

The Fixed Income CHAP (FI-CHAP) Program serves residents of Clark County whose income source is fixed income and who have been priced out of their current housing by way of a rent increase. Assistance for rent and utilities is available to aid in securing a new affordable residence. Assistance is limited to a maximum of 12 months for households who meet the eligibility criteria as established through the program policy. This program is limited to one application per lifetime.

Eviction Prevention

The Eviction Prevention Program is funded by a grant from the American Rescue Plan Act. Eviction Prevention Program serves residents of Clark County who have experienced an event which caused an inability to pay rent and the household is now facing eviction. Assistance for rent and utilities is available to make the household whole in rent payments and prevent eviction. This program is a onetime lifetime assistance program.

Eviction Diversion Program

The Eviction Diversion Program (EDP) is funded by a grant from the National Center for State Courts’ (NCSC) Eviction Diversion Initiative. Eviction Diversion is a collaborative initiative between Las Vegas Justice Court, Social Service, and other community partners to address the holistic needs of individuals and families experiencing housing instability. Participants of the Eviction Diversion Program are evaluated for multiple housing assistance programs, administered by Clark County Social Service.

Long Term Care Placement

The Clark County Social Service (CCSS) Long Term Care (LTC) program provides assistance in securing appropriate long-term care for Clark County residents who are unable to live independently because of medical problems. The types of licenses facilities contracted by CCSS to provide care are: adult day health care facilities, adult group care and assisted living facilities, and nursing homes. To learn more about the LTC program, including eligibility and how to apply click here or email

Step Up

Young Adult Program for youth who have “aged out” of foster care in Nevada. To qualify, youth need to have attained the age of 18 years old while a child in foster care in Nevada. Offers various forms of financial assistance including housing assistance, educational assistance, employment assistance, transportation, resources, and case management. For additional information please call (702) 455-0468.

HIV Services

The Ryan White Part A program funds and oversees a network of providers who deliver services to HIV-infected and affected individuals. The objective is to enhance health outcomes and reduce HIV transmission, particularly among hard-to-reach populations. To learn more about these services visit, or call the program’s direct line at (702) 455-8674.

CARE Teams

Clark County Social Service also provides outreach and case management through a variety of CARE Teams. Participation in these programs is not contingent upon an immigrant having legal U.S. Residency status. Some of these CARE Teams work in collaboration specifically with community partners such Clark County Park Police, Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department, and the Clark County Detention Center. Referrals must come from these community partners or can be identified through collaborative outreach efforts conducted with these community providers.

Two of these teams (one focused on families and one working with individuals) are specifically focused on housing and respond to referrals from community partners. They can assist with finding housing solutions by linking them to housing resources, problem solving housing solutions, and providing connections to community partners. They can also place, and case manage clients in non-congregate shelters.  For additional information, please email

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