
Temporary Events

Temporary Events

Temporary Events
Permitting a temporary event is a multi-step process and can involve multiple departments or other agencies. Depending on the type of activity that will be conducted at the temporary event, one or more temporary event permit or license may be required. If the temporary event crosses jurisdictional boundaries into any of the cities of Henderson, Las Vegas, or North Las Vegas, you will also need to obtain any necessary permits to organize the event in the applicable municipality.

Primarily, Business License permits are cooperative permits in conjunction with also obtaining permission to operate at the indoor venue, outdoor event space, convention center, or banquet hall, etc., and also receiving a Temporary Event permit from Comprehensive Planning (Zoning), Parks and Recreation, or Public Works depending on the location. Other Clark County departments or Southern Nevada regulatory agencies may also need to grant permission to operate depending on the temporary event activities occurring.   

Application Process: 

  1. Verify the event will occur in unincorporated Clark County. 
    • Visit our Jurisdiction Locator Tool, enter in the location address of the event. Other jurisdictions are color-coded on the map and will be provided next to the address in red text. 
  2. If the event will occur outdoors, and not at or in partnership with a private indoor venue, please contact Zoning, Parks & Recreation, or Public Works for necessary forms as part of the permitting process for outdoor events. 
    • Zoning permit application, and any required documentation, should be completed for any outdoor event and returned to Zoning for processing. 
    • Parks and Recreation permit applications should be completed for any outdoor event at an unincorporated Clark County park or park facility. 
    • Public Works permit applications should be completed for any outdoor event when the activity impacts the normal flow of traffic of any public street or right-of-way within unincorporated Clark County. 
  3. Choose appropriate event or promoter application or temporary event permit application(s) from Temporary Event Forms. Some events may need more than one (1) application or permit based on the temporary event activities.
    • Fill out forms completely, ensure you have attached or included all necessary paperwork as requested by the checklist included with the application packet. Incomplete applications will be returned which could delay the permit application process.
  4. Submit a complete application with all applicable fees.
    • Permit applications should be submitted no later than sixty (60) days before an event.
    • Temporary Event permit applications should be returned to the Temporary Events and Film Permits Division either by email, mail or in-person during normal business hours. Fees will be due when permit applications are submitted. If submitting by mail, please include a cashier's check, check, or money order. 
    • Event or Promoter applications will require an appointment to review and process the application. Fees will be due at the appointment. For information on payment options, click here.

Temporary Events

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