
RAAC Meeting Agendas & Supporting Materials

RAAC Meeting Agendas & Supporting Materials

The Rural Alliance Advisory Committee (“Advisory Committee” or “Committee”) is an advisory group established by the Clark County Board of County Commissioners.  The Advisory Committee broadly represents the diverse interests and needs of those individuals seeking to preserve the rural lifestyle in unincorporated Clark County as it relates to planning, maintaining, and protecting rural communities. The public is invited to comment.

For copies of the agenda and supporting materials backup, please contact Amy Kraft at (702) 455-3522, Rural Alliance Advisory Committee, 500 S. Grand Central Parkway, 6th Floor, Las Vegas, Nevada 89155. 

RAAC Meetings

01/16/25 Clark County RAAC Meeting Agenda Audio
10/17/24 Clark County RAAC Meeting Agenda Packet Minutes Audio
08/22/24 Clark County RAAC Meeting Agenda Packet Minutes Audio
07/18/24 RAAC  Orientation & Training Agenda Minutes Audio

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