The Criminal Division of the Clark County District Attorney’s Office has the responsibility to prosecute over 55,000 felony and misdemeanor cases each year. We hold criminals accountable and ensure that the rights of victims are honored and respected throughout the process. In the courtroom, we provide the highest quality legal representation for the community and seek justice in each and every case. The Criminal Division is organized into general litigation teams and specialty litigation teams.
The specialty litigation teams in the Criminal Division include:
Support Services Unit: |
Lawyers within this unit review all cases submitted to the Division for prosecution. A separate team of attorneys within this Unit covers a variety of tasks including record sealing, bond calendars, extraditions and specialty courts. |
Major Violators Unit: |
Specialized teams within this Unit focus on homicide cases, career criminals, gun crimes and gangs. |
Financial Integrity Unit: |
This Unit includes the HIDTA Team (High Intensity Drug Trafficking Area), the Bad Check Unit and attorneys who focus on fraud and forfeitures. |
Special Victims Unit: |
This Unit includes teams of attorneys who specialize in sexual and physical abuse, domestic violence and vehicular crimes. |
Criminal Appeals Unit: |
Attorneys and law clerks in this Unit prepare all pleadings filed with the Nevada Supreme Court as well as habeas pleadings and special research projects. |
The general litigation teams handle the prosecution of all felony and misdemeanor cases that are not handled by specialty teams. General litigation teams are assigned to cover specific courtrooms as opposed to specific cases. On any given day, general litigation attorneys cover as many thirty-eight courtrooms that may be in session in Clark County.
Whether our prosecutors are on general or specialty litigation teams, the focus is always the same: ensuring the safety of our community.

Alexander Chen Assistant District Attorney Criminal Division |

Pamela Weckerly Assistant District Attorney Criminal Division |