
About Us

About Us

Department Vision
The Clark County Fire Department is driven to be a national leader in the Fire Service.  We will become fully integrated, cohesive, and valued member of our community, operating at the highest level of efficiency.

Department Mission
The Clark County Fire Department provides for the safety and health of our Southern Nevada communities and our visitors through professional emergency response, fire prevention, and public education.

Department Core Values
The men and women of CCFD are committed, every day, for every citizen and visitor, to aspire to these core values, while at the same time conducting themselves with honor and compassion.  They strive for excellence while demonstrating with each community interaction the utmost in ethics, responsibility, and public trust.  The employees of CCFD stand for the following core values:

•    Accountability- to the public, to county and department leadership, and to each other.
•    Competence- achieving the highest level of skills and abilities through ongoing experience, training, and education.
•    Integrity- demonstrating ethical behavior, trustworthiness, and responsible use of public funds.
•    Professionalism- demonstrating respect, dedication to public service, and professional demeanor with peers, co-workers, and community partners.

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