(702) 455-8200, CCParks@ClarkCountyNV.gov
Supervisor: Mike Tate, 702-455-8200 prsunsetfrontdesk@clarkcountynv.gov
The following is a listing of all the reservable picnic locations in the Clark County Parks and Recreation system. The rest of the locations are first come first serve. To inquire if an area is available on a specific date, please call the number listed next to the park. All reservations must be made in person. Please call to schedule an appointment.
Park Picnic Reservation Information Packet (PDF)
Reservations will be categorized as a “Special Event” when one or more of the criteria below is met:
- Attendance of 1000 or more people
- Attendance that exceeds the capacity of a Reservable Area (i.e. 150 people at Mountain’s Edge Park)
- Admission fees will be charged to attend
- Any alcohol sales, service, or distribution will occur
- Use of a Special Event Area (i.e. Sunset Park Trails, Festival Field, Plaza, or RC Boat Launch) or use of a park with no Reservable Areas
- Three or more vendors will be conducting sales
- Vehicles will need to drive anywhere other than designated roadways
- A Reservable Area will be used in a manner other than its specified recreational use
If your reservation is a Special Event, visit the SPECIAL EVENT SERVICES WEBPAGE >>>

Call this number for reservations (702) 455-1905
4445 N. Jensen, Las Vegas, NV 89129 (Craig/Jensen) MAP
5 First come first serve areas that have a picnic table covered by a shade shelter.
3 reservable areas:
1-99 - Gazebo most southern area, play area near 7 tables, 2 grills
2-99 - Gazebo is centrally located in the park, next to restroom, large pavilion, 12 tables, 2 grills.
3-75 – Gazebo is located on the northern part of the park on the Discovery side, 7 cement tables, 3 grills
Lone Mountain Park Reservation Form (PDF)
Picnic Area Map (PDF)
Call this number for reservations (702) 455-1905
9825 W. Lone Mountain Rd., Las Vegas, NV 89129 (Lone Mountain/215) MAP
6 reservable areas:
Areas C-G - Limit 50 people in each, 1 charcoal BBQ, 2 tables, bench seating around pavilion, no electricity, all areas covered.
Areas C - G detailed info (PDF)
Area H - Limit 75 people, 4 large charcoal BBQ's, 8 tables, 4 trash cans, no electricity, Covered area. Amplified music allowed in Area H only.
Area H detailed info (PDF)
Lone Mountain Regional Park Reservation Form (PDF)
Picnic Area Map (PDF)

Call this number for reservations (702) 455-1905
4701 N. Durango Dr., Las Vegas, NV 89129 (Durango/Lone Mtn.) MAP
Amenities: Basketball court, community center, disc golf, horseshoe pit, playground, volleyball, and restrooms.
3 reservable areas.
- Several first come first serve picnic areas with shade shelters.
- A - 100 person limit, Gazebo cover, 14 picnic tables Area A details (PDF)
- B - 199 person limit, Gazebo cover, 21 picnic tables, 4 grills
(security required for over 100 persons) Area B details (PDF)
- C - 99 person limit, Gazebo cover, 8 picnic tables, 2 grills Area C details (PDF)
- Amplified Music in Area B only
Mountain Crest Park Reservation Form (PDF)
Picnic Area Map (PDF)
Call this number for reservations (702) 455-7742
8101 West Mountains Edge Parkway, Las Vegas, NV 89178 MAP
(2 separate sites) Tortoise Pavilion & Hare Pavilion
Capacity Up to 150 people (per site)
Community $75.00
Commercial $150.00
Time/days that each can be reserved
Monday–Sunday 7:00 AM – 10:00 PM
Holidays NO reservations
Reservation Form
Call this number for reservations (702) 455-7513
4775 McLeod Drive, Las Vegas, NV 89121 (Tropicana/McLeod) MAP
8 Reservable areas:
A - Gazebo, 14 covered tables, 2 grills, 150 limit
B - 14 covered tables, 1 grill, 200 limit
7 - 4 uncovered tables, 1 grill, 50 limit
8 - 4 uncovered tables, 1 grill, 50 limit
9 - 2 uncovered tables, 1 grill, 99 limit
11 - 2 uncovered tables, 1 grill, 99 limit
13 - 2 uncovered tables, 1 grill, 99 limit
14 - 2 uncovered tables, 1 grill, 99 limit
Paradise Park Reservation Form

Call this number for reservations (702) 455-7742
7027 S. El Capitan Way Las Vegas, NV 89148 (El Capitan/Warm Springs) MAP
Amenities: splash pad, walk path, (2) playgrounds, restroom, disc golf.
2 reservable areas:
A-75 - located by the basketball court with three picnic tables, up to 75 people.
B-50 - located between the baseball fields with two picnic tables, up to 50 people
Reservation Form
Call this number for reservations (702)455-7600
2050 Bonnie Lane, Las Vegas, NV 89156
Amenities: A recreation center, senior center, playground, splash pad, walking/jogging path, exercise stations, pickleball courts, bocce ball courts, horseshoe pits, shuffleboard, and restrooms.
2 First come first serve areas that have picnic table covered by a shade shelter
2 reservable areas:
A – 105 person limit, Gazebo cover, 9 picnic tables, 3 grills, 3 prep tables. Covered by a shade shelter.
B- 70 person limit, Gazebo cover, 6 picnic tables, 2 grills, 2 prep tables. Covered by a shade shelter.
Robert E. “Bob” Price Park Gazebo Reservation Form (PDF)
Robert E. “Bob” Price Park Gazebo Map (PDF)
Reservations can be made online by filling out the reservation form and sending to Prsunsetfrontdesk@clarkcountynv.gov, or in-person by appointment only
Office Hours: Monday - Thursday: 8:00am - 5:00pm, Friday, Saturday, Sunday: Closed
Call this number for reservations: (702) 455-8200, fax: (702) 361-6042
Location: 2601 East Sunset Road, Las Vegas, NV 89120 (Sunset Rd./Eastern) Map
Amenities: 22 first come first serve areas, 3 playgrounds, 1 splash pad, Dog Run (Warm Springs Rd.), lake, walking/ jogging path. For additional information on this park only, email us at prsunsetfrontdesk@clarkcountynv.gov or call (702) 455-8200.

QLess replaces physical lines and waiting with virtual, mobile lines. Roam freely while you wait wherever you want, however you want. QLess simply alerts you on your phone as your turn is approaching.
Text to join: Message cclvsunsetpark (Sunset Park) to 702-986-0752 to add yourself to the queue.
Visit to join: https://kiosk.na6.qless.com/kiosk/app/home/60
Call this number for reservations (702) 455-7742
6255 West Flamingo Road, Las Vegas, NV 89103 (Jones/Flamingo) MAP
Amenities: 2 first come first serve areas that have a picnic table/shade shelter. Hockey rink, playground, skatepark, tennis courts, walking course, ballfields.
1 reservable area: Gazebo - 100 limit
West Flamingo Reservation Form (PDF)
Call this number for reservations (702) 455-7576
5712 E. Missouri, Las Vegas, NV 89122 (Boulder Hwy/Stephanie) Map
Amenities: 2 first come first serve areas that have a picnic table covered by a shade shelter. Children’s playground, grill, picnic tables. Ballfields, basketball court, playground, pools, tennis, and walking course
: Gazebo -150 limit
Whitney Park Reservation Form