About the Park
Wetlands Park spans 2,900 acres on the eastern edge of the Las Vegas Valley. With a 210-acre Nature Preserve and four Trailheads, the park provides recreation opportunities and wildlife habitat as well as an outdoor classroom for scientific studies and educational programs for all ages.
Wetlands Park is shaped by urban runoff, shallow groundwater, storm water, and reclaimed water that flows through the Las Vegas Wash and into Lake Mead.
More than 300 species of birds and 70 species of mammals and reptiles have been identified in the park, including beavers, coyotes, bobcats, and snakes. The park offers a wide variety of programs to the public, including walks led by Certified Interpretive Guides, art, children’s crafts and stories, and group and individual volunteer opportunities.
Wetlands Park Mission
"Clark County Wetlands Park preserves and enhances natural and cultural resources, and provides educational, recreational, and research opportunities to the public."
Park History
Since its inception in 1991, Clark County Wetlands Park has evolved into a major recreational and educational resource for Vegas Valley residents and guests:
Bond measure passed for development of Clark County Wetlands Park.
Wetlands Park Master Plan completed, defining strategies for creating a system of trails, interpretive exhibits, a visitor center and picnic areas, as well as construction of about 15 erosion control structures.
The Las Vegas Wash Coordination Committee is formed, creating a partnership between public and private agencies to develop the Park.
"Demonstration Weir," the first weir constructed on the Las Vegas Wash is completed.
Park implements its first Guided School Field trips.
Duck Creek Trail built as a volunteer project.
Nature Preserve trails opened.
Bostick Interpretive Area completed.
Sunrise Trailhead opened.
Neighborhood Park Play Area installed.
Mitigation Wetlands completed.
Pabco and Wells Trailhead improvements completed.
Nature Center opened to the public.
Wetlands Loop Trail paved from Sunrise Trailhead to Powerline Crossing.
Duck Creek Trailhead completed.
Wetlands Loop Trail paved from Powerline Crossing to Pabco Trailhead.
Nature Play Corner opened at the newly renamed Wetlands Loop Trailhead (formerly Neighborhood Park).
Clark County Wetlands Park
7050 Wetlands Park Lane
Las Vegas, NV 89122
Phone: (702) 455-7522
Email: wetlands@clarkcountynv.gov