


Stewardship at Wetlands Park
Wetlands Park offers opportunities for the public get involved and help with stewardship projects throughout the Park. Projects may include litter cleanup, planting, invasive species removal, trail maintenance, and other park beautification efforts. 

Wetlands: Hands On! (W.H.O.)
Wetlands: Hands On! (W.H.O.) is a stewardship program involving more than 5,000 community volunteers since it began in 2013. Volunteers participate in monthly projects including picking up trash and debris, removing graffiti, painting, removing invasive plants, and conducting trail maintenance and restoration projects. Additionally, dozens of southern Nevada organizations, clubs, businesses, and agencies have participated in W.H.O. over the years. View videos of our recent projects on YouTube.

kids WHO apr2015
Image (c) Simon Williams/The Nature Conservancy in Nevada

Groups, families, and individuals are invited to participate. Advance registration required. Youth under age 18 must be accompanied by an adult. Youths attending with an adult other than a parent or guardian must have a Youth Waiver Form completed to participate.

Wetlands: Hands On! Schedule 2024-2025:

Group Stewardship Requests
Wetlands Park offers opportunities for community and corporate groups to request a special stewardship event. For groups up to 30 who are interested in conducting a stewardship activity (e.g., litter pick up) outside of our regularly scheduled Wetlands: Hands On events, please fill out our Group Stewardship Request form.
If the above dates do not work for your group, please provide up to three alternative dates at least 30 days in advance of the request date when you fill out the Group Stewardship Request form.

If you want to get more involved in the park, you may be interested in becoming a long-term Wetlands Park volunteer. Learn more

Clark County Wetlands Park
7050 Wetlands Park Lane
Las Vegas, NV 89122
Phone: (702) 455-7522


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